Sunday, November 17, 2013


It has been almost six months in our house. And now it is time to paint. People told us we should "live in it" for a while before we do anything and so we have given it some months. This weekend was step 1 - initial paint colors. I headed to Fragers very early yesterday morning. Here is the story.

We are both partial to cool grays. That is to say, a gray with more of a blue in it. However, since we have decided to keep our wood trim (instead of painting it white), warm grays will go better. The difficulty is that I am not big on greens or beiges (both key to a warm gray). All this is to say, step 1 with colors is to try and be open and consider all options. So, I came back with a couple and threw them up on the wall. I am not in love with any of them, though of all of them, I like the third one down. Hopefully next weekend I'll have time for a second trip to get some lighter versions. We want to go lighter in the downstairs to make it feel fresh and easy...


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