Wednesday, November 7, 2012


County by county, state by state - election day is just incredible. Putting aside partisanship, all the money, the long campaign cycle, and the issue divide - it is amazing to watch the results roll in, the lines of people waiting to vote long past when polls closed, and to see even just hundred or thousand vote differentials in races across the country.

Campaigns bring out a really good part of America. Think about it. It is the only time I know when strangers open up their homes for people to stay and to fight for a cause, where whole offices of people cook food for each other and share, people give up weekends and take vacation to go knock on doors and talk to people, and people hand out water and hand-warmers so that others won't get out of line and lose their vote.

Of course, it is even better when your team wins and we make the right decision. Cheers to democracy and voting and four more years! 

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