Thursday, June 20, 2013

old news.

I can't believe it is Thursday already, I haven't even told you about last weekend! It was a bit of a blur to be honest. On Saturday we had to go buy a bed. Within about 15 minutes of walking in the store we had narrowed down to two beds, from that point, it took about an hour and half and probably about 45 (I am not exaggerating) trips between beds laying down to finally choose. Also, Ben insisted on repeatedly getting in the spooning position to make sure we were comfortable. That's my boyfriend! But, we got a bed - hoorah!

We booked it back to the house and started prepping to have some people over for our first grilling session. We finally got our new grill that Ben had ordered...

I am not taking as many photos of late, I have kind of exhausted of it, so my documenting hasn't been top form but we made burgers, Pimm's Cup fixings were brought to drink thanks to Erin and Josh, and we had a very high pie to person ratio since Kate & Doug rolled in with 3 pies from Pie Sisters!

Sunday morning was admittedly a bit rough, but we pulled it together and trekked out to Virginia for some campaign work with Terry McCauliffe who is in a very tight gubernatorial race.

It was a great day and Ben and I ended up with amazing canvassing right in Old Town, so it basically served as a neighborhood house tour for us as well! It made us miss our campaign days and being out in the field.

We also grabbed lunch at The Butcher's Block downtown.

And at one of the houses we got some quality time with this beauty!

All in all, it was a packed and exhausting weekend...but we got back in time Sunday for the new bed to be delivered, done and done!

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