Monday, June 10, 2013

table manners.

My New Years resolution this year was to put my phone away at the table. Besides snapping some photos of food, I put it in my bag. Ben and I also decided a while back that we don't want phones at the table in our house. We are still figuring it out (does everyone just put their phone in a basket?) but we want dinner parties and meals to be cell-phone free. There is no stigma or judgement if you have to get up and check work email, take a quick look at facebook, or see if you have any missed calls. People don't need to sneak into the bathroom and we certainly won't care if you have to do it frequently, we just want to have great meals and conversation that aren't broken up by people constantly checking Facebook! 

On this point, Alison sent me this NYTimes piece, How Not to Be Alone. It is so well said and all about how we use technology to separate from other people and the irony since it was created to bring us closer together. Foer quotes Simon Weil at one point saying, "attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity". That is exactly it. We want dinners and conversation that are generous and plenty and where people really care and debate and listen to each other!

Anyway, you should read this piece...

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