Friday, October 26, 2012

love story.

Ben sent me this piece from the New York Times, After Years of Silence, a Voice Restored. It is really a very sweet read. You should read it if you have time this weekend...

It also made me think about the question of whether it is a good thing if you change in a relationship. I know everyone's mother tells them not to try to change someone in a relationship. But in reality, it seems like we all do. I think women particularly struggle with this. I get so frustrated by my girlfriends who start dating someone new and suddenly fall in love with kayaking and Modest Mouse because he likes them. But at the same time, I know I have been there and done this in the past. And, I know being with Ben has changed me some and I hope I change him some too. Maybe it is finding that delicate balance of being changed but not too much. Or maybe it is what Howey is talking about in this piece when she says, "all I did was unlock a door that desperately needed unlocking", and it isn't really change but as we would all say, "bringing out the best" in the other person.  

What do you all think?

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