Monday, October 1, 2012


What a weekend. I feel like I was all over the place. To kick it off, I got the closest I have ever come to the motorcade on Friday and every second of it was powerful!

After that thrill, I headed up for Milsom/Raglani quality time. On Saturday, I finally went to my first much anticipated Legwarmers concert with Erin/Josh&Co.  This wasn't just any 80s concert though. Attendance requires full participation and by that I mean you are pretty much expected to show up in your best 80s showing. So, with legwarmers, leggings, crimped hair, and a side pony tail, it was go time and it lived up to all of Erin and Josh's talk. 

Naturally, some Michael Jackson was had...

In short and to sum up the night, it was basically your best 80s picks surrounded by people dressed up in their best 80s and dancing like there was no tomorrow. Good stuff I tell you.

And finally, last night, I headed to the far far north east to meet up with Tapan! We haven't seen each other in two years and he recently started grad school at GWU. So we reminisced on all things Vietnam and he cooked up this fantastic rice and curry dish with beets on the side. Simply fantastic!

And now...back to the grind!

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