Sunday, December 11, 2011

feeling the flannel.

This is dedicated to E, because I know how much she loves flannel. Lucky for her, flannel is big and everywhere at the moment. I am even being converted to the trend. In solidarity, I am including below some of my considerations at the moment. The real debate is do you go genuine and real, read LL Bean or Woolrich? Or be a little more fiscally responsible? Tough call.
L.L.Bean Rangeley Camp Shirt - $39.50
Woolrich Scarf - $25.00
ASOS Scarf - $27.27
H&M $29.95

1 comment:

  1. Spend the $10 more and splurge on the LL bean. Totes worth it.

    All i want for Christmas is the fleece lined flannel shirt from them. Repeat: FLEECE LINED FLANNEL. I might as well just give it up and move to Maine now.
