Thursday, December 8, 2011

the thought that matters.

Three ideas for affordable gifts this season...or any time.

These retro phones caught my eye months ago and now I am seeing them everywhere. (Hint: go to ebay. All the Urban Outfitter type places are catering to hipsters that will pay far too much for a ridiculous phone to plug into your phone.) The bonus to this gift is you are protecting the person's brain from radiofrequency exposure. Priceless.
Retro Phone
B's housemate has these glasses and I love them! You can't tell from this picture, but they are a thick glass and there is a classic cow etched into the glass in the center. The perfect glass of milk from Fish's Eddy. 
Milk Glass
I haven't seen this ring in person to see if it looks cheap or not, but I am putting it out there anyway. I like the idea of it, reminds me of a college ring mixed with Carrie Bradshaw's necklace.
Initial Ring
That's all for now....maybe more another time

1 comment:

  1. Awesome ring. You should get all letters of your name and rock them on one hand.
